Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What happened.

My mom's house hasn't always been this way. It started probably 5 years ago when the neighbor's tree fell on the roof and damaged the house. My mom tried to file several insurance claims, but nothing ever came of it. Since then, it has become exponentially worse to the point she is in danger. The ceiling in her bedroom, where she still sleeps mind you, is collapsing, the carpet and walls have black mold in and on them, the bathroom right off of her bedroom is full of water and mold, and because of all of the water backing up, it is spreading throughout the house. The ceiling in the laundry room has started splitting and the kitchen ceiling has begun to deteriorate as well. My sister's old bedroom is closed off because of the mold in it.

My mom needs help. Serious help. I hate seeing her live like this. I wish I could help her fix it, but I, too, have no monetary way to help her. That's why I started this blog and why my boyfriend and I took a video and posted it on YouTube. I had hoped I would get a response from those willing to help, but as of right now, there has been no response. Just a few page views.

I still haven't been able to get the donation button fixed. I've tried contacting PayPal to fix the problem, but they said it is the blog that's the problem. I tried contacting support from Blogger and I was just redirected to the same page that didn't help me at all. I've posted a question in the question forum, or whatever it is, in hopes someone will help me.

If, and when, I get the donation button fixed, please. Anything will help. My mom has given so much to me and to so many people. She is such a giving, loving, compassionate person and she needs help.

Hopefully soon we can get the ball rolling and get her safe.

I love you, mom.

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